สำหรับท่านๆทั้งหลายที่ใช้งานตัว Freesat V8 Golden ครับ
http://freesat.cn/forum/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=9&sid=20307f077b385b5d877ab27deaa42720Notice: Please do the following steps :
1) backup the channel list.
2) export the softcam.key to usb device
3) update the firmware to box by allcode mode
4) update channel list then import softcam.key
change log:
we added some resource for xtream server information .
please backup channel list ,softcam,and cam information before update box.
1) update core for sport24 channel don't be opened
2) Support connect Xtream server . please check the guide file.